Nollalinja is a free helpline that you can call at any time, on any day of the year. The telephone number for Nollalinja is 080 005 005. In addition to the helpline, you can also chat with a crisis worker in the Nollalinja chat service. The chat is open Monday to Wednesday 9.00–15.00 and Thursday to Friday 14.00–20.00.
Nollalinja helps:
- anyone who has experienced violence or a threat of violence in a close relationship
- women (with respect for self-identification) who have experienced violence or a threat of violence outside their close relationships
- family members of victims of violence
- professionals and officials who need advice in their customer work
Calling Nollalinja is free of charge
When you call Nollalinja, you will be able to talk about your situation, your experiences and your fears with one of our crisis workers who are professionals in anti-violence work. They listen to, support and assist you and can direct you to a shelter or other services, if necessary.
You can tell the crisis worker as much about your situation and yourself as you want. The worker you talk to cannot see your phone number during or after your call. Your phone call to us will not show up on your phone bill.
Nollalinja chat is open Monday to Wednesday from 9.00–15.00 and Thursday to Friday 14-20
In addition to Nollalinja helpline, you may also talk to a crisis worker with the Nollalinja chat service. The chat is open Monday to Wednesday from 9am to 3pm and Thursday to Friday from 2pm to 8pm. The chat pop-up window opens on the bottom corner of the website while the chat service is open. The crisis worker can receive a limited number of conversations at once.
Confidentiality and reporting obligation in Nollalinja contacts
In Nollalinja, discussions are confidential between the person who made contact and the Nollalinja on-duty crisis worker. People contacting the service are always allowed to remain anonymous. The caller’s phone number or the chatter’s IP address is not shown to Nollalinja.
If, based on the information provided by the person who made contact, it is necessary to submit a notification to the authorities, the on-duty crisis worker will explain that the authorities must be contacted based on the discussion and ask for the information required for the notification. If the person does not provide the information, the discussion will continue and assistance will be offered within the limits of anonymous contact.
Nollalinja submits official notifications if the situation requires, for example, an assessment of the child protection needs of a minor or if such information is obtained relating to the planning of a serious criminal offence which could help to prevent it. The notification is not made without the necessary information. In the matters concerning the reporting obligation Nollalinja follows the Finnish legislation and Nollalinja’s operating practices.
The principles guiding Nollalinja’s operations are based on the ethical guidelines of the Advisory Board for Ethical Guidelines Regarding Voluntary Telephone and Online Help (PuhEet).
Read more about the ethical guidelines of the PuhEet advisory board here (in Finnish).
Nollalinja provides help in various languages
You can talk to our crisis workers on the phone or in the chat in Finnish, Swedish or English. Nollalinja also helps in nine foreign languages commonly spoken in Finland (Arabic, Dari, Farsi, Russian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Thai, Ukrainian) through an interpretation service. The interpreting service is available 24 hours a day and is free of charge. Instructions for telephone interpreting and information on violence in close relationship, Nollalinja and shelters is available in all interpretation languages in the top right-hand corner of the page, under the drop-down menu with the globe symbol. Information on Nollalinja and shelters is also available in the same place in plain language, sign language, Northern Sámi, Skolt Sámi and Inari Sámi.
If you are in immediate danger, phone the emergency services at 112.